In the story “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World,” the Columbian people cared about the people who they did not know. But there was one bad thing about them because the women were very crazy. They couldn’t see a very handsome guy because they were afraid they would say bad things about their husbands. If they saw a very handsome guy, they would compare that person to their husbands and they thought he would be better than any of their husbands, and they would consider their husbands worthless!
If I were to pass away I would like my family and friends to bury me outside my back yard. The reason I want to them to bury me outside my backyard is because it would be something different and i would also get to scare people in Halloween when I'm passed away. This type of funerals don't happen i think because I haven't been in one like that but it would be weird. Also in memory I would like them to cook some really good Mexican food and put in my tombstone. In the story, the Latin Americans really cared about people because when they passed away, their family always had good funerals for them.
By: Gregorio Gonzalez
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